Title of Paper |
Name of the Author/s |
Name of Journal |
Year of Publication |
Year of Publication |
Ensemble deep learning optimization and medical image classification with convolution neural networks | Dr.M.Poonguzhali | Neuro Quantology | 2022-23 | ISSN: 1303-5150 |
Dactylogram Based Assessment Technique substantiation system using Raspberry pi | A.Jagadeeswaran | International Journal of Enhanced Research in Educational Development | 2021-22 | ISSN: 2320-8708 |
An Efficient Prediction of Brain Tumor Using Deep Learning Algorithm of CNN through MRI Images | S.Sabarinathan | NeuroQuantology | 2021-22 | ISSN:1303-5150 |
Photoplethysmography System for Cardiac Abnormality Monitoring | S.Sivaprakasam | International Journal of Enhanced Research in Educational Development | 2021-22 | ISSN:2319-7463 |
DYNAMIC MARINE VIA MULTI-SENSOR DATA FUSION USING INTEGRATED WATER DATA TRANSMITTING | S.Sivaprakasam | International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation | 2021-22 | ISSN:2456-3315 |
Intelligent Retrieval of Ambient Air Quality | Mr.T.Thirunavukkarasu | International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation | 2021-22 | ISSN:2455-2631 |
Detection of Alzheimers and Cardio Vascular Diseases based on Retinal Disorder | Mr.V.Govindaraj | International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation | 2021-22 | ISSN:2319-7463 |
IOT BASED MULTIMODE COMMUNICATION MODEL FOR AGRICULTURE &AGRO INDUSTRIES | V.SIVASAKTHI | International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation | 2021-22 | ISSN:2456-3315 |
Ensemble deep learning optimization and medical image classification with convolutional neural networks | Dr. M. Poonguzhali | Neuro Quantology | 2021-22 | ISSN:1303-5150 |
Joint Channel Estimation And Data Analyzing In Large SIMO Systems | S.Sivaprakasam | International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. | 2020-21 | ISSN:2278 -8875 (Online), 2320-3765 (print) |
MRI Image of Brain Tumor Detection Using Threshold and Watershed Segmentation | Dr.M.Poonguzhali S.Sabarinathan M.Ramakrishnan | International Journal Of Creative Research Thoughts | 2020-21 | ISSN:2320-2882 |
Design Of A 16 Bit Posit Multiplier With Power Efficiency | Dr.M.Poonguzhali V.Sivasakthi S.Sivaprakasam | International Journal For Research In Applied Science & Engineering Technology | 2020-21 | ISSN:2321-9653 |
High Speed Approximate Multiplier with Configurable Error Recovery | S.Sivaprakasam | Journal of Scientific Computing | 2019-20 | ISSN 1524-2560 |
Brain Tumor Detection using Watershed segmentation Digital Image Processing | S.Sabarinathan | Mukt Shabd Journal | 2019-20 | ISSN : 2347-3150 |
Joint Channel Estimation and Data Analysing in Large SIMO Wireless Systems | S.Sivaprakasam | IJIRSET Journal | 2019-20 | ISSN (Print): 2320 - 3765 |
Nonzeroing Bit Truncation using Energy Scalable with High Speed Full Adder Design | M.Prasanth | IJIRSET Journal | 2019-20 | ISSN (Print): 2320 - 3765 |
Design Of Low Power Baugh Wooley Multiplier Based Reconfigurable Fir Filter For Dsp Applications | S.Sabarinathan | IJAEMA Journal | 2019-20 | ISSN (Print):0886-9367 |
Optimal power allocation strategy for maximizing the Transmission power of cognitive relay nodes with S-AF Scheme | Dr.M.Poonguzhali | International Journal of Computational Engineering Research | 2018-19 | ISSN : 2250 - 3005 |
Green House Gas Monitoring and Control using wireless sensor network | M.Rubina | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews | 2018-19 | ISSN: 2349-5138 |
Secure Communication and privacy protection Using VANET | E.Anbin soji | IOSR Journal of Engineering | 2018-19 | ISSN: 2250-3021 |
VLSI based Design and performance of LNA for impedance matched network realization | S.Premkumar | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews | 2018-19 | ISSN:2348-1269 |
Tree Theft Tracker | S.Sivaprakasam | International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies | 2018-19 | ISSN:2319-1953 |
Green House Gas Monitoring and Control using wireless sensor network | V.Sivasakthi S.Sivaprakasam | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews | 2018-19 | ISSN:2349-5138 |
Secure Communication and privacy protection Using VANET | G.Dheepak | IOSR Journal of Engineering | 2018-19 | ISSN:2250-3021 |
Tree Theft Tracker | M.Rubina M.Prasanth | International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies | 2018-19 | ISSN:2319-1953 |
Solar Based Surveillance Coat Using Wearable Antenna | Dr.M.Poonguzhali | Journal of Applied Science and Computations | 2018-19 | ISSN:1076-5131 |
Interference Finding Algorithm for mitigating sinkhole attack on Leach protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks | S.Sivaprakasam | Journal of Applied Science and Computations | 2018-19 | ISSN:1076-5131 |
Environmental Monitoring using Zigbee technology and Arduino UNO Board | M.Ramakrishnan | Journal of Applied Science and Computations | 2018-19 | ISSN:1076-5131 |
VLSI based Design and performance of LNA for impedance matched network realization | E.Anbin soji | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews | 2018-19 | ISSN:2348-1269 |
Green House Gas Monitoring and Control using wireless sensor network | S.Indhumalini | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews | 2018-19 | ISSN:2349-5138 |
Interference Finding Algorithm for mitigating sinkhole attack on Leach protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks | V.Govindaraj | Journal of Applied Science and Computations | 2018-19 | ISSN:1076-5131 |
VLSI based Design and performance of LNA for impedance matched network realization | G.Dheepak | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews | 2018-19 | ISSN:2348-1269 |
Green House Gas Monitoring and Control using wireless sensor network | S.Sabarinathan | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews | 2018-19 | ISSN:2349-5138 |
Interference Finding Algorithm for mitigating sinkhole attack on Leach protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks | V.Sivasakthi S.Sabarinathan M.Rubina | Journal of Applied Science and Computations | 2018-19 | ISSN:1076-5131 |
Tree Theft Tracker | V.Sivasakthi V.Govindaraj | International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies | 2018-19 | ISSN:2319-1953 |
Detection of brain tumor MRI image using probabilistic neural network and image segmentation | S.Sabarinathan | International Journal of Innovative Research In Technology | 2017-18 | ISSN: 2349-6003 |
Data acquisition system for environmental monitoring | M.Ramakrishnan | International Journal of Innovative Research In Technology | 2017-18 | ISSN: 2349-6003 |
IOT based RADIATE for High quality broadband connections in High speed Trains | E.Anbin soji | International Journal of Advanced Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences | 2017-18 | ISSN: 2249-7455 |
Data acquisition system for environmental monitoring | M.Rubina | International Journal of Innovative Research In Technology | 2017-18 | ISSN: 2349-6003 |
Detection of brain tumor MRI image using probabilistic neural network and image segmentation | S.Indhumalini | International Journal of Innovative Research In Technology | 2017-18 | ISSN: 2349-6002 |