Welcome to R P Sarathy Institute of Technology, Salem, Tamilnadu, India



Project Title

: Plantae Malady Amend and Hydration System
Academic Year : 2021-2022

Detection and controlling of diseases in the plants are the significant prerequisites for ranchers and agribusiness subject matter experts. The proposed framework is to perceive plant diseases with the help of an IoT (Internet of Things). This approach points to creating a strategy of recognizing plant conditions based on a TCS3200 color sensor, temperature, and mugginess as well as soil dampness by a DHT11 sensor and also proposes to determine the level of nitrogen-based on the color of leaves. By using NodeMCU and the esp32cam module to monitor the agriculture field lively and for providing a smart irrigation system using soil moisture sensor. In this system additionally, pesticides are sprayed on the detected unhealthy leaves using an electrical sprayer.
Project Title

: IoT On Femme Spare
Academic Year : 2021-2022

Women prosperity has for the most part been an issue even in these state of the art times with such a great deal of progress in development. Women are unreliable wherever and are generally feeble while traveling alone into barren roads and deserted places existing hand-held prosperity devices for women require human mediation for starting the contraption, for instance, crushing the button or shake the device, etc, ensuing to distinguishing the gamble. We propose a response which will endeavor to beat the obstacles of the ongoing structures and besides target giving deceiving check security to women. The proposed work targets arranging an loT set up prosperity device that depends as for giving security to women by extraordinary imprint based procedure for organization to the contraption and forewarning nearby people and police when a woman isn't safeguarded. An unsafe situation is identified by finger impression affirmation momentarily then it will thus alert nearby people, relative individuals and police in case the contraption distinguishes no sign. Moreover, for direct security, shockwave generator is also arranged that women can use to pursue the guilty party. Additional components, for instance, sending bundle messages, sound recording is in like manner significant for the proposed plan.
Project Title
: Photoplethysmography System for Cardiac Abnormality Monitoring
Academic Year : 2021-2022

The healthcare monitoring systems has emerged as one of the most vital system and became technology oriented from the past decade. Humans are facing a problem of unexpected death due to various illness which is because of lack of medical care to the patients at right time. The primary goal was to develop a reliable patient monitoring system so that the healthcare professionals can monitor their patients. Who are either hospitalized or at home using an embedded based integrated healthcare system with the view of ensuring patients are cared for better. A mobile device based wireless healthcare monitoring system was developed which can provide real time online information about physiological conditions of a patient mainly consists of sensors, the data acquisition unit, microcontroller. Hence the proposed architecture collects the sensor data through PIC microcontroller.
Project Title
: A Model for Yield Management in Agriculture and for Marketing the Products
Academic Year : 2020-2021

Smart farming is an emerging concept, because IoT sensors capable of providing information about their agriculture fields. The paper aims making use of evolving technology i.e. IoT and smart agriculture using automation. Monitoring environmental factors is the major factor to improve the yield of the efficient crops. Nowadays,Our farmers are protesting against the new agriculture farm bills framed by our government.The issues conveyed by the farmers regarding Maximum selling price(MSP) and privatization of cultivating lands to promote the agricultural process.In recent times,Entrepreneurs are not giving such importance to agricultural field .To involve them into this field,a new solar powered device have been proposed to help the farmers for better production and marketing and to connect the farmers with respective bodies for the conversion of waste into useful one and also to get the entrepreneurs into agricultural field.
Project Title : Advanced Water Distribution System
Academic Year : 2019-2020

Water is the basic element for the existence of human beings and our welfare .About 75% of the world is surrounded by water through oceans, seas, and so on. But we have polluted major amount of water by dumping wastes, mixing hazardous substances, directing industrial chemicals, toxic released from textiles and dying industries, mixing those sewage wastes into the water reduces its quality and makes its unsuitable for the usage of domestic purposes and also for drinking. Thus our project assures effective water supplying system with the help of Arduino. Due to the active help of the Real time clocks, we can deliver water to the respective areas at pre-determined timings.

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