The Office of the Controller of Examinations was established in the academic year 2024-2025. The office is responsible for conducting the Continuous Assessment Test (CAT) and End Semester Examination (ESE) for UG and PG programmes. The office of the controller of examinations is also responsible for publishing results and issuing mark sheets for UG and PG programs. The Office of the Controller of Examinations is headed by the Controller of Examinations (COE), supported by the Deputy COE, Assistant COE, and technical and administrative staff.


S.No Name Designation
1 Dr.V.Munusami Chief Controller of Examinations
2 Dr.K.Arutselvan Controller of Examinations
3 Dr.S.Sabarinathan Deputy Controller of Examinations
4 Mr.M.Prasanth Assistant Controller of Examinations
5 Mr.P.Govintharaj Assistant Controller of Examinations
6 Mrs.B.Narmadha Programmer
7 Mr.Arun Prasad Programmer
8 Mr.R.Ayyappan Programmer
9 Mrs.G.Geetha Office Assistant