Best Practices 1

Title of the Practice

Training Students for holistic development

Objectives of the Practice

  • To train the students on life skills so that they can excel in their academics
  • To train the students towards preparing them for Campus Recruitments
  • To train the students to build a career for themselves, as per their potential, they gain after training.

The Context

  • Students from vernacular background need additional training to acquire the skills expected by recruiting companies.
  • Most of the students admitted through lateral-entry i.e., with a diploma qualification, need more grooming to perform on-par with the other students.
  • Training students to improve their chances of getting recruited in Product Development and Consulting companies so that they have a better start in their career.

The Practice

  • The Institution provides a well-structured skill training program to all the students.
  • The Institution has included Communicative English, as part of the curriculum, in Semesters I and II, to improve the communication skills of the students. As a part of this, every week, each class of 60 students is divided into 2 groups of 30 students each. Phonetics, Communication and Reading labs are conducted for them on rotation basis.
  • The students undergo 56 hours of training in III Semester and 56 hours of training in IV semester, on LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing) skills. These are done with an objective towards improving listening, understanding, comprehending and representation skills of students in their regular subjects, thus helping them to improve their academics.
  • During III and IV semesters, each class of 60 students is divided into two batches of 30 students each. One trainer for each batch conducts the sessions. The purpose of dividing the students into two batches is to give personal attention and to make every student participating in every activity and thus encouraging a participative learning.
  • During the V and VI semesters, training is provided on soft-skills such as Quantitative, Logical, Aptitude, Verbal, Reasoning, etc.,are for preparing them to Placements and competitive exams. The students are also provided with online practice tests periodically.
  • The classes conducted during the III, IV, V and VI semesters are outsourced to third-party training partner. This is done to provide the students with the industry point of view.
  • The third-party training partner also takes care of providing online tests to the students every week and monitors their performance periodically.
  • From the academic year 2017-2018, the Institution has also included Technical Skills Training into the curriculum, for the students graduating in the year 2019. This is owing to the fact that, the model of recruitment by various companies had become more specific. The Technical Skills Training includes IT related skills namely Fundamental Programming Skills, Advanced Programming Skills and domain specific skills.
  • The CRT (Campus Recruitment Training) program conducted during the summer vacation between VI and VII semesters involves 140 hours of training to reinforce the skills acquired during III, IV, V and VI semesters. Besides this, the students are trained in Group Discussions, Resume Preparation and Interview Skills. The students are also given company-specific online practice tests in every alternate days during this training period.
  • Pre, mid and post assessment tests are administered by new leaf and top freshers, a reputed training partner and hiring agency. The pre-test helps in identifying the training needs of the students and for customizing the training based on their competencies. The mid and post assessment tests help the students understand areas of improvement and proficiency acquired respectively. The pre-test is conducted before the CRT. The mid and post tests are conducted during and after the CRT.

Evidence of Success

  • Through the above practices, more students are trained and are placed in many reputed companies.
  • Through best training our institution uplifts the life of many average students that to become a best entrepreneur in the society.

Problem Encountered

Some of the students, though capable, couldn't afford the training due to their economic background. In such a case, the college supported those students by extending financial assistance.

Resources Required

  • Professional trainers for conducting the training
  • Resources to conduct the training i.e., video lectures on topics in communication and aptitude, on-line exams for practice purpose, company-specific mock tests, etc,

Best Practices 2

Title of the Practice

A Social Upliftment Campaign by National Service Scheme (NSS)
Motto: The motto of National Service Scheme is Not me but you

Benefits of Being a NSS Volunteer:

A NSS volunteer who takes part in the community service programme would have the exposure and experience to be the following:

  • an accomplished social leader
  • an efficient administrator
  • a person who understands human nature

Objectives of the Practice

The main objectives of National Service Scheme (NSS) are :

  • Understand the community in which they work.
  • Understand themselves in relation to their community
  • Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem-solving
  • Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.
  • Utilise their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems
  • Develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities
  • Gain skills in mobilising community participation
  • Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes
  • Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and
  • Practise national integration and social harmony

The NSS volunteers of the institution generally work in local villages and voluntary agencies to complete 120 hours of regular activities during an academic year. As per the fundamental principles of National Service Scheme, a volunteer is expected to remain in constant touch with the community. Hence, it is of vital importance that a Kadayampatty Taluk and its surrounding villages like Poosaripatty, Pannapatty, Theevathipatty are selected for implementation of NSS programmes. The NSS volunteer lives with the members of the community during the 7 days Special Camping Programme and learns from their experience during his/her tenure in NSS.

Contacting Village/Area Leaders

As a first step in this programme, the volunteers with help of the Program Officer established contact with the village leaders with the help of the Block Authorities, District Panchayat Officer, District Tribal Welfare Officer, District Medical Officer, Extension Officer of Agriculture, Irrigation and Education Departments for the selection of the village.

Survey of the Village/Area

The NSS Unit conducts a socio-economic survey on the curriculum of economics, commerce, statistics, psychology, health education etc. of the area. The report of such a survey will provide up-to-date information about the problems and potentials of the village and help in programme planning for village development. The applied field work helps the students to increase their analytical ability and deepen their thinking. Further, this helps them to identify the problems which have been left unnoticed.

Identification of Problem(s)

It is on the basis of this need assessment that projects/programmes are to be formulated. The programme officers use their discretion and identify the projects which can be completed by seeking assistance from the communities/other agencies.

The aim of adoption of village or area is to give new ideas of development to the villagers which would improve their living conditions. Once the trust of the communities is won, they start cooperating with the NSS volunteers and approach them for solution of their problems. One of the important services that has been rendered by NSS volunteers is disseminating information about the latest developments in sanitation, nutrition and personal hygiene, schemes for skill development, tree sapling plantation, medical camps, blood donation camps, income generation, government schemes such as Swachch Bharat, Ayushman Bharat, Accessible India, Digital India, Beti Bachao and Beti Padhao, Environment and Energy Conservation and Education, legal aid, consumer protection and allied field.

The Programme Officers (PO) motivate the communities to involve themselves with NSS for the community development work undertaken by the NSS unit. Further is sought from various government departments and agencies for technical advice and financial assistance. As already stated, the Programme Officer selects the projects very carefully for the social upliftment of the local people. Every project is evaluated after its successful completion by involving members of the community, Government officials and Panchayat officials. The NSS unit learn from the lapses in the execution of the project and plan for the next project keeping in view the bottlenecks and constraints faced by them during the earlier project.

The Context

  • The NSS Unit of the College under the effective leadership of the NSS Programme Officer is actively engaged in a variety of activities throughout the academic year.
  • The NSS unit had started its activities in the beginning of the academic session with the full support of our NSS volunteers under the leadership of programme officer. After looking into the students’ community as a whole we found that many is very interested to involve themselves with social activities that eventually make them resourceful socially conscious during their stay in the college and studentship.
  • NSS Volunteers learn how to work with rural community people, generating awareness about blood donation, hygiene and prevention of various diseases.
  • NSS volunteers conducted a wide range of activities like cleanliness programme, special camp, surveys, observance of important days and awareness campaign.

The overall aim of National Service Scheme as envisaged earlier, is to give an extension dimension to the higher education system and orient the student youth to community service while they are studying in educational institution. The reason for the formulation of this objective is the general realization that the college and +2 level students have a tendency to get alienated from the village/slum masses which constitute the majority of the population of the country. The educated youth who are expected to take the reins of administration in future are found to be unaware of the problems of the village/slum community and in certain cases are indifferent towards their needs and problems. Therefore it is necessary to arouse the social conscience of the students, and to provide them an opportunity to work with the people in the villages and slums. It is felt that their interaction with the common villagers and slum dwellers will expose them to the realities of life and bring about a change in their social perception.

The Practice

NSS Volunteers participate in the Swachh Bharat Mission Pogrammes and they take initiatives for keeping the campus clean. Cleanliness Drive on the college campus under Swachh Bharat Mission was conducted by the Volunteers in which the Principal, Teacher, students and staff members too rendered their services. Volunteers also interacted with the nearby residents to maintain cleanliness and hygiene. They also held a rally in the nearby locality holding placards with slogans written on it to create awareness about health and sanitation.

The NSS volunteers planted saplings on the campus and around the Poosaripatty village for creating a green eco system in the region. International Girl Child Day is celebrated to enforce the importance of educating girl children in support of Beti Bachao and Beti Padhao scheme started by our Government.

Evidence of Success

The participated students appeared more seRPSITized to their surroundings and are motivated to participate in other social activities, like blood donation camps, medical camps covid vaccination drives etc conducted by college.

The organizational skill among the students appeared to be enhanced while coordinating with village authorities and conduction special camps in the surrounding villages.


  • The main outcome of the National Service Scheme is that it helps the students to gain a democratic attitude along with the confidence to become leaders.
  • The students learn the social problems faced by villagers and have an understanding of the part they play in society
  • This Scheme helps the students to gain the strength to handle emergency or challenging situations with calmness.
  • It develops a sense of responsibility and identifying problems faced by society
  • The NSS is part of our academic, social and personal life as it is the third dimension of education.
  • The students joining this scheme develop many behavioural interactive skills.
  • Development of social and civic responsibility in the volunteers.
  • Volunteers acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes.
  • Development of competence in volunteers which is required for group activities and sharing of responsibilities.

Problems Encountered

The college NSS Unit
  • One of the major problems of the NSS is that the goals and objectives of the NSS are numerous and College as well as people have high expectations of the NSS volunteers.
  • At the same time, NSS volunteers do not have all resources at their disposal.