Welcome to R P Sarathy Institute of Technology, Salem, Tamilnadu, India


Infrastructure Facilities

  • The Computer Science and Engineering department laboratories equipped with 500+ computer systems with latest configuration and Centralized AC facilities in all the labs. All computers having high speed internet connectivity of 50mbps speed and Wifi enabled campus. We have established center of excellences with leading industries like Oracle Academy, Paloalto Network and Align Associates.

Laboratories Facilities

The following Laboratories available in Civil Engineering department

1. Strength of Materials Laboratory

The strength of materials lab is to demonstrate the basic principles in the area of strength and mechanics of materials and structural analysis to the undergraduate students through a series of experiments. Tests such as the tension tests of a steel bar, torsion of model circular sections and bending of a steel bar, compressive strength of concrete was conducted in the lab.

2. Surveying Laboratory

The objective of this laboratory is to learn about measurement of distances, angles, Reduced Levels and setting out works. The experiments include determination of distances using chain and tape, reduced levels and contours using Level, bearing of lines using Compass, horizontal and vertical angles using Theodolite and graphical method using Plane Table. Use of modern equipment like total station will be demonstrated. This laboratory course will help the students to understand the theoretical concepts learned in the course surveying.

3. Soil Mechanics Laboratory

Highway Engineering laboratory is designed to carry out qualitative and quantitative tests for raw materials like Aggregate, Sand, Bitumen etc. The laboratory is designed with a vision of testing requirements of industry and different research areas of highway engineering.

4. Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

Highway Engineering laboratory is designed to carry out qualitative and quantitative tests for raw materials like Aggregate, Sand, Bitumen etc. The laboratory is designed with a vision of testing requirements of industry and different research areas of highway engineering.

Headshot photo

5. Highway Engineering laboratory

Highway Engineering laboratory is designed to carry out qualitative and quantitative tests for raw materials like Aggregate, Sand, Bitumen etc. The laboratory is designed with a vision of testing requirements of industry and different research areas of highway engineering.

6. Environmental Engineering Laboratory

This Laboratory presents environmental significance, practical applications of water quality test, sampling techniques and also standards of water for various uses. Well-arranged tests in Lab - dealing with some major water and waste water quality parameters of physical, chemical and biological. This Laboratory work should be extremely useful for the students of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

7. Concrete Technology Laboratory

The objective of concrete laboratory is to determine the physical properties of building construction materials like cement, fine and coarse aggregate and strength characteristics of cement mortar, plain cement concrete and reinforced cement concrete. The students can design the mix, make the specimens and test the same for the strength for comparison with design strength. This laboratory course will help the students to understand the theoretical concepts learned in the course building materials.

8. CAD Laboratory

The CAD Laboratory is a central facility of the Civil Engineering Department where all undergraduate students and faculty members can work with the sophisticated 2-D & 3-D design and analysis software. They can learn to use the latest software and carry out their research work.

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