The RPSIT campus is kept clean and hygienic at all times. A lot of effort is taken in proper disposal of waste. Waste is collected from various centres like classrooms, administrative office, corridors, canteen, hostel, mess, garden, playground and road. This material is divided into four groups. They are organic waste from canteen, mess and garden, paper waste from various departments and Administrative office, garbage from corridor, e waste from the laboratories

Solid Waste Management

The organic waste like waste food, vegetables, grass, cut plants and trees are put in a pit for creating fertilizers. The paper waste like old answer sheets, cardboard boxes and old thapal is sent to recycling units in the region. The non-bio degradable garbage is collected every day and handed over to the local municipality for proper disposal.

The organic waste is put in a pit of the following dimensions: 10 feet length, 10 feet width and 5 feet depth. The cleaning staffs are provided with two types of dustbins, the Green dustbins are used for organic waste and the Red dustbins for non-bio degradable waste.

The boys and girls hostel are cleaned every alternate days. The toilets are cleaned twice a day. The sanitary napkins are safely incinerated every day. The canteen, mess and refreshment store is plastic free and only paper cups and paper plates are used for beverages and snacks. Stainless steel plates are used in the canteen to maintain proper hygiene.

The total solid waste collected in the campus is 20 Kg/day on an average, from tree droppings, cups, paper etc. The waste is segregated at source by providing separate dustbins for Bio-degradable and Plastic waste. Single sided used papers are reused for writing and printing in all departments. Less plastic waste (average 0.1Kg/day) is generated by few departments, office, etc., it is collected and given to the vendor on a regular basis for recycling.

Metal and wooden waste is stored and given to authorized scrap agents for further processing. Glass bottles are reused in the laboratories. The food waste is converted into manure by putting it in pits and used in the kitchen garden. Sanitary napkins are disposed using incineration process.


E-waste from labs is properly collected and is given to the licensed recycler, reused wherever possible, donated and sold if possible. Non-working computers, monitors, and printers are discarded and scrapped on a systematic basis. Some parts useful for other systems are kept aside for future use. Students are also imparted awareness and education about E-Waste. E-waste collected from laboratories are reused and recycled for maximum usage and then handed over to the municipality as non-bio degradable waste.


The liquid waste is sent through proper drainage to corporation drainage system. We have a RO system to purify and reuse water for toilet and cleaning purpose.


Hazardous chemicals are not used in the laboratories. Acids in diluted form are used in chemistry laboratories, which are discharged directly. When necessity arises to utilize a strong acid or base, they are neutralized before discharging. No radioactive elements of any form are used in the campus and thus its waste is not generated in the campus.


A biogas plant is a facility that provides oxygen-free conditions where anaerobic digestion can occur.


Departments have a medical first aid kit, especially in Physical Education department, Science & Humanities, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical where students are more vulnerable to minor injuries. The waste from these kits like cotton gauge and plaster, are disposed along with non- biodegradable wastes.